Uploading video content

Recently I was working on a project where users could share a video on a web application to a limited set of users. To make sure that videos can be played inside a browser using HTML5, these video will have to be converted.

The amazon AWS platform offers a nice set of services that I could use to build this application. To convert videos I make use of Amazon ES. Which is able to convert videos from one bucket to another bucket. Using signed s3 links I could also make sure that converted videos could only be retrieved by the users with access to this video.

Amazon s3 browser based uploading

However uploading large files to your own web server can be quite a hassle to get right. A lot of security and scalability issues may arise. Amazon s3 supports browser based uploading. This gives you the opportunity to let your user upload the files directly to your s3 bucket, without the need to upload the file to your own server first. This solution especially makes sense when you already are planning on saving your files on amazon s3, like I was.

Multipart uploading

Videos usually are large files however. And uploading large files at once has some difficulties, sometimes the upload might fail and you will have to upload the file again entirely. To prevent this you can make use file of chuncking, a large file is then split into smaller parts and uploaded separately. Once all parts are uploaded you combine them again on your web server to reconstruct the original file. Whenever your upload fails you can just re-upload a single part instead of the whole file. It also gives you the opportunity to pause and resume your uploads.

To merge the files on amazon s3 you can make use of the amazon multipart functionality.


You probably don’t want everyone to be able to upload an unlimited number of files to your bucket. Therefore every request that the user makes has to be accompanied by a signature. This signature should be provided on your own web server. After the web server made sure that the user should be able to upload files. It can generate the signature by hashing certain constraints on the request(like file name, allowed mime types and maximum file size) together with your aws key. When amazon receives the request it will do the same. When the signatures are equal it proofs that someone or something with access to your key has signed the request of the user.

PHP symfony + plupload

I will now show how you can implement this using PHP symfony and plupload. The latter is a javascript libary that will help us with the chunking and other aspects of file uploading on the browser side.

Once a user starts uploading a new file plupload will make a request to the web server indicating that it wants to upload a new file. After some checks the the server will respond with a filename and a corresponding signature for the first chunk. Depending on the clients file size plupload will divide the file in one or more chunks. For every succesive chunk a request will be made to the web server asking for a new signature for that specific chunk. At the same time the server will keep some administration to keep track of which files are signed by which user and how many chunks have been signed for.

In my case my web server will check if the user is correctly authenticated, since we want only authenticated users to upload videos. It also limits the number of sign requests a user can make in 24 hours to prevent the mallicious users from uploading huge amounts of files.

After all chunks have been uploaded the client will send a merge request to the server. The server will flag the upload as finished. Using a cronjob the chunks will then be merged with a multipart request and submited to the Amazon ES service for conversion. The multipart request can also be done directly on the users merge request. However I found that the multipart request can take quite some time for large files. To improve user experience I decided to work with a cronjob.

Installing dependencies

For the multipart request we will make use of the aws SDK, which you can install via composer.

composer require aws/aws-sdk-php

Configuring amazon users and s3 buckets

Next login to the amazon console and create a new bucket in my case I will call it my-video-upload-bucket, you can of course also re-use an existing bucket but you have to be sure no file name collisions can occur.

Create upload user

I recommend creating a new user under the IAM panel that has the sole purpose of signing upload requests to your bucket. The user only needs programmatic access. In my case I called this user uploader. Make sure that your user also has PutObject access to your bucket. Which can be done by attaching the following policy:

 1 {
 2     "Version": "2012-10-17",
 3     "Statement": [
 4         {
 5             "Sid": "Stmt1470746880000",
 6             "Effect": "Allow",
 7             "Action": [
 8                 "s3:PutObject"
 9             ],
10             "Resource": [
11                 "arn:aws:s3:::my-video-upload-bucket/"
12             ]
13         }
14     ]
15 }

Make sure that you replace my-video-upload-bucket with the name of your own bucket.

Lastly save your bucket name, user key id and secret access key in your parameters.yml file.

    s3_uploader_id: ...
    s3_uploader_key: ...
    s3_uploader_bucket: my-video-upload-bucket

SDK user for multipart request

The php sdk should be configured to make use of another user account. Please make sure that this user has permissions to perform the multipart request on the s3 bucket.

To do the multipart we will make use of the Aws\S3\S3Client class. In services.yml I register it like this:

    class: Aws\S3\S3Client
    arguments: [%aws_creds%]
    factory: ['Aws\S3\S3Client','factory']

In my parameters.yml file the aws_creds variable looks like this:

        profile: ***
        region: eu-west-1
        version: latest

But this might differ depending on the way you configure your php sdk. More information about configuring your sdk can be found here.


To limit the number of signs per user we create the following entity. It keeps track of the number signs, chunks and signs dates. It could also be used to clean up unused uploads.

  1 <?php
  2 namespace [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Entity;
  4 use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
  6 /**
  7  * Class Upload
  8  * @ORM\Table(indexes={@ORM\Index(name="upload_fn", columns={"filename"} ),@ORM\Index(name="state", columns={"state"} )})
  9  * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="[YOUR_NAMEPSACE]\Repository\UploadRepository")
 10  */
 11 class Upload
 12 {
 13     /**
 14      * @ORM\Id
 15      * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
 16      * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
 17      * @var int
 18      */
 19     protected $id;
 21     /**
 22      * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100)
 23      * @var string
 24      */
 25     protected $filename;
 27     /**
 28      * @var User
 29      * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User")
 30      */
 31     protected $user;
 33     /**
 34      *
 35      * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
 36      * @var int
 37      */
 38     protected $timesSigned;
 40     /**
 41      *
 42      * @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
 43      * @var \DateTime
 44      */
 45     protected $lastSigned;
 47     /**
 48      * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
 49      * @var \DateTime
 50      */
 51     protected $doneTime;
 54     /**
 55      * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
 56      * @var int
 57      */
 58     protected $chunks;
 61     /**
 62      * @ORM\Column(type="string")
 63      * @var string
 64      */
 65     protected $state;
 68     /**
 69      * Upload constructor.
 70      */
 71     public function __construct()
 72     {
 73         $this->lastSigned = new \DateTime();
 74         $this->timesSigned = 1;
 75         $this->merged = false;
 76         $this->chunks = 0;
 77         $this->state = '';
 78     }
 80     /**
 81      * @param User      $user
 82      * @param string    $filename
 83      * @return Upload
 84      */
 85     public static function createNew($user, $filename)
 86     {
 87         $x = new self();
 88         $x->setUser($user);
 89         $x->setFilename($filename);
 91         return $x;
 92     }
 95     /**
 96      * @return \DateTime
 97      */
 98     public function getDoneTime()
 99     {
100         return $this->doneTime;
101     }
103     /**
104      * @param \DateTime $doneTime
105      *
106      * @return self
107      */
108     public function setDoneTime($doneTime)
109     {
110         $this->doneTime = $doneTime;
111         return $this;
112     }
115     /**
116      * @return int
117      */
118     public function getId()
119     {
120         return $this->id;
121     }
123     /**
124      * @param int $id
125      *
126      * @return self
127      */
128     public function setId($id)
129     {
130         $this->id = $id;
131         return $this;
132     }
134     /**
135      * @return string
136      */
137     public function getFilename()
138     {
139         return $this->filename;
140     }
142     /**
143      * @param string $filename
144      *
145      * @return self
146      */
147     public function setFilename($filename)
148     {
149         $this->filename = $filename;
150         return $this;
151     }
153     /**
154      * @return User
155      */
156     public function getUser()
157     {
158         return $this->user;
159     }
161     /**
162      * @param User $user
163      *
164      * @return self
165      */
166     public function setUser($user)
167     {
168         $this->user = $user;
169         return $this;
170     }
172     /**
173      * @return int
174      */
175     public function getTimesSigned()
176     {
177         return $this->timesSigned;
178     }
180     /**
181      * @param int $timesSigned
182      *
183      * @return self
184      */
185     public function setTimesSigned($timesSigned)
186     {
187         $this->timesSigned = $timesSigned;
188         return $this;
189     }
191     /**
192      * @return \DateTime
193      */
194     public function getLastSigned()
195     {
196         return $this->lastSigned;
197     }
199     /**
200      * @param \DateTime $lastSigned
201      *
202      * @return self
203      */
204     public function setLastSigned($lastSigned)
205     {
206         $this->lastSigned = $lastSigned;
207         return $this;
208     }
210     /**
211      * @return int
212      */
213     public function getChunks()
214     {
215         return $this->chunks;
216     }
218     /**
219      * @param int $chunks
220      *
221      * @return self
222      */
223     public function setChunks($chunks)
224     {
225         $this->chunks = $chunks;
226         return $this;
227     }
229     /**
230      * @return string
231      */
232     public function getState()
233     {
234         return $this->state;
235     }
237     /**
238      * @param string $state
239      *
240      * @return self
241      */
242     public function setState($state)
243     {
244         $this->state = $state;
245         return $this;
246     }
247 }

Our repository, responsible for retrieving, changing and saving the entities, will then look like this:

namespace [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Repository;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Entity\Upload;
use [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Entity\User;
class UploadRepository extends EntityRepository
     * @param Upload $upload
    public function save($upload)
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();

     * @param string $fn
     * @param User   $user
     * @return Upload|null
    public function findByFilename($fn, $user)
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();
        $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT u FROM SMKvvbBundle:Upload u WHERE u.filename = :fn AND u.user = :user");
        $q->setParameter('fn', $fn);
        $q->setParameter('user', $user);

        return $q->getOneOrNullResult();

     * @param Upload $upload
    public function signNext($upload)
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();
        $q = $em->createQuery("UPDATE SMKvvbBundle:Upload u SET u.lastSigned = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), u.timesSigned = u.timesSigned + 1 WHERE u.id=:id");
        $q->setParameter('id', $upload->getId());

     * @param User $user
     * @return int
    public function signsLast24h($user)
        $d = new \DateTime();
        $d->modify("-24 hours");
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();
        $q = $em->createQuery("SELECT sum(u.timesSigned) FROM SMKvvbBundle:Upload u WHERE u.user =:user AND u.lastSigned > :date");
        $q->setParameter("user", $user);
        $q->setParameter('date', $d);
        return $q->getSingleScalarResult();

Controllers and signing proces

This is the controller that is responsible for signing the plupload ajax requests:

  1 <?php
  3 namespace [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Controller;
  5 use Aws\S3\S3Client;
  6 use Monolog\Logger;
  7 use [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Entity\Upload;
  8 use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
  9 use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
 10 use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException;
 11 use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
 12 use [YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Repository\UploadRepository;
 15 class UploadController extends Controller
 16 {
 17     const MAX_SIGNS_PER_24H = 2500; //max signs per user per 24h
 18     /**
 19      * The new action should be called if the user wants to start uploading a new file
 20      * It will provide a filename to which the user can upload the file
 21      * @param string $filename
 22      * @param int    $chuncked
 23      * @return JsonResponse
 24      */
 25     public function newAction($filename, $chunked, Request $request)
 26     {
 27         $this->forceCanSign(); //make sure user is not exceeding number of sings in last 24h
 29         //get extension of original filename, so we can reuse it
 30         $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
 31         if ($ext == '') {
 32             $ext .= ".tmp";
 33         }
 35         //i prefer a uuid but this should be installed as seperate php extension
 36         $uniqueKey = method_exists('uuid_create') ? uuid_create() : uniqid();
 38         //create new random filename, we have to be sure it has not been used before
 39         $s3key = strtolower($uniqueKey).".".$ext;
 41         //create new upload entity, so we can track and limit user uploads
 42         $up = Upload::createNew($this->getUser(),$s3key);
 43         $this->getUploadRepository()->save($up);
 46         //get full filename if chunked
 47         if ($chunked > 0) {
 48             $fn = $s3key.".0";
 49         } else {
 50             $fn = $s3key;
 51         }
 53         $p = $this->createPolicy($fn);
 54         $s = $this->sign($p);
 57         //It probably is a good idea to add some logging behaviour so you are able to check for security vulnerabilities
 58         //And other possible malfunctioning
 59         $msg = sprintf("Create new file %s with s3 file name %s and client filename %s", $chunked ? 'chuncked' : 'unchunked', $s3key, $filename);
 60         $this->getLogger()->info($msg,['user' => $this->getUser()->getEmail(),'ip' => $request->getClientIp(), "agent" => $request->headers->get('User-Agent')]);
 63         $data = ['filename' => $s3key, 'policy' => $p, 'signature' => $s];
 64         return new JsonResponse($data);
 65     }
 67     /**
 68      * Creates a signature for a chunk
 69      * This function does not enforce the chunks to be signed in succesive order
 70      * This makes that they can be signed in any given order
 71      * @param string    $filename 
 72      * @param int       $chunk
 73      * @param Request   $request
 74      * @return JsonResponse
 75      */
 76     public function chunkAction($filename, $chunk, Request $request)
 77     {
 79         $this->forceCanSign(); //make sure user is not exceeding number of sings in last 24h
 80         $chunk = (int) $chunk;
 81         $upload = $this->getUploadRepository()->findByFilename($filename, $this->getUser());
 82         //if user is requesting to sign a chunk for a filename that was not assigned to that user, refuse to sign
 83         if ($upload === null) {
 84             throw $this->createNotFoundException();
 85         }
 87         //add to counter
 88         $this->getUploadRepository()->signNext($upload);
 89         $fn = $filename.".".$chunk;
 91         $p = $this->createPolicy($fn);
 92         $s = $this->sign($p);
 94         $msg = sprintf("Signed new chunk %d with s3 file name %s", $chunk, $filename);
 95         $this->getLogger()->info($msg,['user' => $this->getUser()->getEmail(),'ip' => $request->getClientIp(), "agent" => $request->headers->get('User-Agent')]);
 97         $data = ['filename' => $fn, 'policy' => $p, 'signature' => $s];
 98         return new JsonResponse($data);
100     }
102     /**
103      * Once all chunks are uploaded the following function should be called to make sure that file is merged
104      * @param string $filename
105      * @param int    $chunks
106      * @param Request $request
107      * @return JsonResponse
108      */
109     public function mergeAction($filename, $chunks, Request $request)
110     {
111         $upload = $this->getUploadRepository()->findByFilename($filename, $this->getUser());
113         if ($upload === null) {
114             throw $this->createNotFoundException();
115         }
116         $chunks = (int) $chunks;
117         //if you want to merge the file via a cronjob you have to save the number of chunks
118         $upload->setChunks($chunks);
119         $upload->setDoneTime(new \DateTime("now"));
121         $this->getUploadRepository()->save($upload);
123         //merge chunks on aws s3
124         $this->merge($filename, $chunks);
126         $msg = sprintf("Succesfully finalized and merged file %s ", $filename);
127         $this->getLogger()->info($msg,['user' => $this->getUser()->getEmail(),'ip' => $request->getClientIp(), "agent" => $request->headers->get('User-Agent')]);
128         return new JsonResponse($data);
129     }
131     /**
132      * This function actually merges the chunks into one single file on amazon using the MutliPart upload request
133      * In my own implementation I actually did this via a cronjob. But for the purpose of this tutorial I will do it 
134      * on the request
135      * @param string $filename
136      * @param int    $chunks
137      */
138     protected function merge($filename, $chunks)
139     {
140         //Skip if file does not have to be merged
141         if ($chunks > 0) {
142             //We make use the aws SDK s3 client implementation
143             $client = $this->getS3Client();
144             $bucket = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('s3_uploader_bucket');
146             //Indicate that you want to merge a file into $filename
147             $response = $client->createMultipartUpload(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $filename]);
148             $data = ['filename' => $filename, "UploadId" => $response['UploadId']];
150             $objects = [];
152             //assemble list of all parts to merge
153             for ($c =0; $c < $chunks; $c++) {
154                 $objects[] = ['Key' => $filename.".".$c];
155                 $client->uploadPartCopy([
156                     'CopySource' => $bucket."/".$filename.".".$c,
157                     'Bucket' => $bucket,
158                     'Key' => $filename,
159                     'UploadId' => $data['UploadId'],
160                     'PartNumber' => $c + 1]);
162             }
164             //pass list to multi part upload command
165             $partsModel = $client->listParts(array(
166                 'Bucket' => $bucket,
167                 'Key'       => $filename,
168                 'UploadId'  => $data['UploadId']
169             ));
171             //make sure to finalize
172             $model = $client->completeMultipartUpload(array(
173                 'Bucket' => $bucket,
174                 'Key' => $filename,
175                 'UploadId' => $data['UploadId'],
176                 'MultipartUpload' => [
177                     'Parts' => $partsModel['Parts']
178                 ]
179             ));
181             //delete the old chunks afterwards
182             $client->deleteObjects(
183                 [
184                     'Bucket' => $bucket,
185                     'Delete' => [
186                         'Objects' => $objects
187                     ]
188                 ]
189             );
190         }
191     }
193     /**
194      * Enforces that the number of signs for a given user does not exceed the maximum for the last 24 hours
195      * @throws AccessDeniedException 
196      */
197     protected function forceCanSign()
198     {
199         if ($this->getUploadRepository()->signsLast24h($this->getUser()) > self::MAX_SIGNS_PER_24H) {
200             throw new AccessDeniedException();
201         }
202     }
204     /**
205      * This defined the constraints on a user request, this policy will also be passed with the 
206      * upload request. Given this policy and your key amazon will then rebuild your signature. If the 
207      * signatures matches it means that someone with access to your key has approved this  
208      */
209     protected function createPolicy($fn)
210     {
211         $d = new \DateTime();
212         $d->modify('+1 days');
213         $policy = [
214             'expiration' => $d->format('Y-m-d\TG:i:s\Z'),//signature expires within 1 day
215             'conditions' => [
216                 ['bucket' => $this->getParameter('s3_uploader_bucket')],
217                 ['acl' => 'private'],
218                 ['content-length-range', 0, 10485760],//max size to upload can be 10mb
219                 ['key' => $fn],//the policy also enforces a specific key(amazon s3 language for file), only allowing the user to upload to this filename
220                 ['success_action_status' => '200'],//after upload respone with 200 status code
221                 [ "starts-with", '$Content-Type', "video/" ],//i only want to upload video files
222                 [ "starts-with", '$name', "" ],
223                 [ "starts-with", '$chunk', "" ],
224                 [ "starts-with", '$chunks', "" ]
225             ]
226         ];
227         return base64_encode(json_encode($policy));
228     }
230     /**
231      * Signs actual policy (obtained by createPolicy) 
232      */
233     protected function sign($policyStr)
234     {
235         return base64_encode(hash_hmac(
236             'sha1',
237             $policyStr,
238             $this->getParameter('s3_uploader_key'),
239             true
240         ));
241     }
243     //some methods that get services from the container
244     //so that my IDE can autocomplete
246     /**
247      * @return UploadRepository
248      */
249     protected function getUploadRepository()
250     {
251         return $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('[YOUR_NAMESPACE]\Entity\Upload');
252     }
254     /**
255      * @return S3Client
256      */
257     protected function getS3Client()
258     {
259         return $this->get("video_upload.s3_client");
260     }
262     /**
263      * @return Logger
264      */
265     protected function getLogger()
266     {
267         return $this->get('monolog.logger.uploader');
268     }
269 }

Also make sure to register your routes

  pattern: /upload/sign/new/{filename}/{chunked}
  defaults: {_controller: SMKvvbBundle:Upload:new}
  methods: [POST]

  pattern: /upload/sign/chunk/{filename}/{chunk}
  defaults: {_controller: SMKvvbBundle:Upload:chunk}
  methods: [POST]

  pattern: /upload/merge/{filename}/{chunks}
  defaults: {_controller: SMKvvbBundle:Upload:merge}
  methods: [POST]

Dont forget to make sure that a user is logged in when calling one of these routes by adding to your security.yml something like:

    - { path: ^/upload/, role: ROLE_USER}

Configuring plupload

Next we have to make sure plupload will perform the requests so that our uploads are signed. The javascript is obtained from Ben Nadel, but I made some small changes. This script assumes that your have included Jquery and plupload in your html page. You can download plupload here

  1 var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
  2     runtimes : 'html5,flash',
  3     browse_button : 'select-file', // you can pass in id...
  4     container: document.getElementById('container'), // ... or DOM Element itself
  5     url : $('#select-file').data('action'),
  6     flash_swf_url : '../js/Moxie.swf',
  7     filters : {
  8         max_file_size : '1500mb',
  9         mime_types: [
 10             {title : "Video files", extensions : "mp4,mov,mpeg,mpg,avi,mkv,mts,3gp,m4v"},//allowed extensions
 11         ]
 12     },
 13     urlstream_upload: true,
 14     file_data_name: "file", //the name of the POST field that constains the file, s3 expects this to be 'file'
 15     max_retries: 3,
 16     multipart: true,
 17     chunk_size:'10mb', //All chunks have to be >5mb for amazon s3 to accept, default plupload does not support this: hence files of 7mb are splitted in 5 and 2mb
 18     multipart_params: {
 19         "acl": "private",
 20         "AWSAccessKeyId": $('#select-file').data('aws-access-id') ,
 21         "Content-Type": "video/*",
 22         "success_action_status": 200
 24     }
 25 });
 27 //event handlers:
 28 //once file is finished make sure to merge it
 29 function hFileUploaded(up, file, object){
 30    merge(file.s3Key, file.chunkIndex);
 31 }
 32 uploader.bind("FileUploaded", hFileUploaded);
 34 function hUploadProgress(up, file) {
 35     //track progress
 36 }
 37 uploader.bind('UploadProgress', hUploadProgress);
 39 function hError(up, err) {
 40     if(err.code == -601) {
 41        // When file extension is not allowed
 42     } else {
 43         //other error
 44     }
 45 }
 46 uploader.bind('Error',hError);
 48 function hFilesAdded(up, files) {
 49     plupload.each(files, function (file) {
 50         uploader.start();
 51     });
 52 }
 53 uploader.bind('FilesAdded', hFilesAdded);
 55 //Will sign a new filename
 56 function signNew(filename, chunked)
 57 {
 58     var strChunked = chunked ? "1" : "0";
 59     var u = $('#select-file').data('sign-new');
 60     u = u.replace("_filename_",filename);
 61     u = u.replace("_chunked_", strChunked);
 63     var data;
 64     $.ajax({
 65         url: u,
 66         method:'POST',
 67         success: function (result) {
 68             data = result;
 69         },
 70         async: false //we have to sign before we can do the request
 71     });
 72     //data will contain file name and signature
 73     return data;
 76 }
 77 //will sign a chunk of a file
 78 function signChunk(filename, chunk)
 79 {
 80     var u = $('#select-file').data('sign-chunk');
 81     u = u.replace("_filename_",filename);
 82     u = u.replace("_chunk_", chunk);
 83     var data;
 84     $.ajax({
 85         url: u,
 86         method:'POST',
 87         success: function (result) {
 88             data = result;
 89         },
 90         async: false //we have to sign before we can do the request
 91     });
 92     return data;
 93 }
 94 //merges file
 95 function merge(filename, chunks)
 96 {
 97     if (typeof chunks === 'undefined') {
 98         chunks = 0;
 99     }
100     var u = $('#select-file').data('merge');
101     u = u.replace("_filename_",filename);
102     u = u.replace("_chunks_", chunks);
104     var data;
105     $.ajax({
106         url: u,
107         method:'POST',
108         success: function (result) {
109             data = result;
110         },
111         async: true
112     });
113     return data;
114 }
115 //signs files that are < 5mb or the first chunk
116 function hBeforeUpload( uploader, file ) {
117     console.log( "File upload about to start.", file.name );
118     // Track the chunking status of the file (for the success handler). With
119     // Amazon S3, we can only chunk files if the leading chunks are at least
120     // 5MB in size.
121     file.isChunked = isFileSizeChunkableOnS3( file.size );
123     // we do our first signing, which determines the filename of this file
124     var signature = signNew(file.name, file.isChunked);
126     file.s3Key = signature.filename;
128     uploader.settings.multipart_params.signature = signature.signature;
129     uploader.settings.multipart_params.policy = signature.policy;
130     // This file can be chunked on S3 - at least 5MB in size.
131     if ( file.isChunked ) {
132         // Since this file is going to be chunked, we'll need to update the
133         // chunk index every time a chunk is uploaded. We'll start it at zero
134         // and then increment it on each successful chunk upload.
135         file.chunkIndex = 0;
136         // Create the chunk-based S3 resource by appending the chunk index.
137         file.chunkKey = ( file.s3Key + "." + file.chunkIndex );
138         // Define the chunk size - this is what tells Plupload that the file
139         // should be chunked. In this case, we are using 5MB because anything
140         // smaller will be rejected by S3 later when we try to combine them.
141         // --
142         // NOTE: Once the Plupload settings are defined, we can't just use the
143         // specialized size values - we actually have to pass in the parsed
144         // value (which is just the byte-size of the chunk).
145         uploader.settings.chunk_size = plupload.parseSize( "5mb" );
146         // Since we're chunking the file, Plupload will take care of the
147         // chunking. As such, delete any artifacts from our non-chunked
148         // uploads (see ELSE statement).
149         delete( uploader.settings.multipart_params.chunks );
150         delete( uploader.settings.multipart_params.chunk );
151         // Update the Key and Filename so that Amazon S3 will store the
152         // CHUNK resource at the correct location.
153         uploader.settings.multipart_params.key = file.chunkKey;
154         // This file CANNOT be chunked on S3 - it's not large enough for S3's
155         // multi-upload resource constraints
156     } else {
157         // Remove the chunk size from the settings - this is what tells
158         // Plupload that this file should NOT be chunked (ie, that it should
159         // be uploaded as a single POST).
160         uploader.settings.chunk_size = 0;
161         // That said, in order to keep with the generated S3 policy, we still
162         // need to have the chunk "keys" in the POST. As such, we'll append
163         // them as additional multi-part parameters.
164         uploader.settings.multipart_params.chunks = 0;
165         uploader.settings.multipart_params.chunk = 0;
166         // Update the Key and Filename so that Amazon S3 will store the
167         // base resource at the correct location.
168         uploader.settings.multipart_params.key = file.s3Key;
169     }
170 }
173 //sign each chunk that's not the first
174 function hChunkUploaded( uploader, file, info ) {
175     console.log( "Chunk uploaded.", info.offset, "of", info.total, "bytes." );
176     // As the chunks are uploaded, we need to change the target location of
177     // the next chunk on Amazon S3. As such, we'll pre-increment the chunk
178     file.chunkKey = ( file.s3Key + "." + ++file.chunkIndex );
180     //next sign next chunck
181     signature = signChunk(file.s3Key, file.chunkIndex );
182     uploader.settings.multipart_params.signature = signature.signature;
183     uploader.settings.multipart_params.policy = signature.policy;
184     delete( uploader.settings.multipart_params.chunks );
185     delete( uploader.settings.multipart_params.chunk );
186     // Update the Amazon S3 chunk keys. By changing them here, Plupload will
187     // automatically pick up the changes and apply them to the next chunk that
188     // it uploads.
189     uploader.settings.multipart_params.key = file.chunkKey;
190 }
192 // I determine if the given file size (in bytes) is large enough to allow
193 // for chunking on Amazon S3 (which requires each chunk by the last to be a
194 // minimum of 5MB in size).
195 function isFileSizeChunkableOnS3( fileSize ) {
196     var KB = 1024;
197     var MB = ( KB * 1024 );
198     var minSize = ( MB * 5 );
199     return( fileSize > minSize );
200 }
201 uploader.bind( "BeforeUpload", hBeforeUpload );
202 uploader.bind( "ChunkUploaded", hChunkUploaded );
203 uploader.init();

Viewing the upload form

In your view template you have to make sure that the paths that plupload will have to request are available . We also have to provide amazon access id and the url to our bucket, which will be used as the URL to post the final upload request to. We make use of the default symfony path() function to generate our sign and merge paths but put _chunk_ and _filename_ as our variables. These can then be easily replaced by our plupload javascript functions.

<a id="select-file" 
     data-action="https://{{ upload_bucket  }}.s3.amazonaws.com/" 
     data-aws-access-id="{{ aws_access_id }}" 
     data-merge="{{ path('upload_merge',{'filename':"_filename_",'chunks':'_chunks_'}) }}" 
     data-sign-chunk="{{ path('upload_sign_chunk', {'filename':"_filename_", 'chunk': '_chunk_'}) }}" 
     data-sign-new="{{ path('upload_sign_new', {'filename':"_filename_", "chunked": "_chunked_"}) }}" 
     data-url-progress="{{ path('posts_upload_video_progress',{'id':'_id'})}}"
>Select file</a>

Make sure you pass the access_id and upload_bucket to your template, by doing something like this in your controller:

 return $this->render('....', [
            'upload_bucket' => $this->getParameter('s3_uploader_bucket'),
            'aws_access_id' => $this->getParameter('s3_uploader_key'),

That’s it. I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions our comments, please let me know below.